Svalbard Trip 2017
I’ve just spent 2 fantastic weeks in Artic Svalbard. 8 days on ship M/S Freya with our guides from Artic Adventures. I can’t say enough good things about our guides Jens and Audun, expect that they are the best guides you can ask for. I also have to send a special thank you to the crew on M/S Freya who did an amazing job.
Our trip took us on a south bound direction from Longyearbyen towards Sørkapp, Edgeøya, Nordaustlandet, Sjuøyane and then back on the west side to Longyearbyen. Some of the highlight on the trip where polar bears, blue whale, walrus, artic fox and the fantastic landscape.
This is the complete art list from our trip between august 17-24
Black-legged kittiwake
Glaucous gull
Red-necked phalarope
Red-throated loon
Little auk
Snow bunting
Purple sandpiper
Common eider
Ivory gull
Black guillemot
Barnacle goose
Pink-footed goose
Arctic tern
Parasitic jaeger
Great skua
Common ringed plover
Atlantic puffin
Thick-billed murre
Long-tailed duck
Pomarine jaeger
Sabine's gull
Humpback whale
Bearded seal
Harbor seal
Blue whale
Minke whale
Fin whale
Atlantic white-sided dolphin
Svalbard reindeer
Arctic fox (3 sigthings)
Polar bear (12 sigthings)
Polar Bear at Edgeøya
Blue Whales north of Sjuøyane
Halo appears from the bridge of M/S Freya
Zodiac tour on the artic ocean
Closeup on Walrus
Little auk